How To Increase Sales: 10 Ways to Crush Sales #likeaboss


Whether you’ve been in the sales game since the dawn of time, or you’re just learning how to construct your first pitch, everyone in the industry is looking for ways to increase sales. Your target audience is in a constant state of flux, as their needs, desires, and preferences shift with the passage of time. 


As industries fluctuate and client needs change, your company must change with them and ride the waves if it is to stay afloat. If you don’t take the time to evaluate your strategy and implement new ideas, the lack of attention will show itself in disappointing conversion rates and decreased revenue. 


The thought of that happening to you makes us sad. Our goal is to help companies increase sales and MAKE revenue, not lose it. So we put together our top 10 tips to help you surf the ever-shifting sales wave with confidence.


Our Top 10 Tips to Increase Sales

1. Focus on Gathering Quality Leads.

You might think that the more leads you gather, the better your chances are of scoring a sale. This isn’t necessarily true. In reality, quality leads will trump quantity any day of the week. 


Why? Sorting through a ton of crappy leads takes a LOT of time. Time that could be spent pitching to actual MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads) or SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads) that your team has culled as they operate off of your ICP (Ideal Client Profile). (We know you’re thoroughly impressed with our use of three business acronyms in one sentence but no need to applaud.) 


In the business world, time is money. Working from a pool of curated, quality leads ensures you’re making the most of every minute of your time. 

2. Operate a Variety of Marketing Channels and Contribute Consistently.

Your clients are everywhere. So if you want to gather those qualified leads and increase sales, you gotta show up wherever they congregate. 


Create active and passive marketing campaigns for a variety of channels such as:


  • Email
  • Website
  • Content Creation/SEO
  • Social Media
  • Video
  • Phone Calls
  • Advertisement
  • Direct Mail
  • Events


Consistency is key if you’re going to build and grow your audience and increase sales. You can’t determine the efficacy of a campaign until you give it enough time to get off the ground. The length of time depends on the type of campaign you’re running, whether it’s active or passive, the platform you’re using, the audience you are trying to reach, and your overall goals for the campaign.  

3. Routinely Evaluate Marketing Campaigns. 

Your data is the ultimate guidebook to gaining a “big picture” view of your marketing and sales campaigns. It shows you where you have been, what works, what doesn’t, and how you should proceed moving forward. If you want to increase sales, you gotta grab your gear and take a deep dive into your data. 


Closely monitor your campaigns as they go, and once they conclude do a full evaluation of their success (or lack thereof). 


  • How did your audience respond? 
  • What was the success rate in comparison to other campaigns? 
  • Did it actually increase sales? 
  • Was it worth the marketing spend?
  • Were there any goals for the campaign that you didn’t achieve?


It can also be helpful to evaluate your audience’s reaction to the campaign by asking them directly! A post-campaign survey can give you a “straight from the horse’s mouth” understanding of what resonated with your target audience and how to improve for next time.

4.  Communicate and Listen to Honest Feedback.

Just like any relationship, the more you build trust and communicate openly and honestly with your audience, the better you will understand their needs, desires, personality, and preferences. And this leads to more successful interactions, more profitable marketing, and more sales. 


Seek to improve your communication efforts by researching your clients ahead of time. Showing that you care enough to invest time and get to know them before reaching out directly goes a long way. And when you do reach out, do your best to contact them using their preferred mode of communication. Every client demographic has its own preferences, and showing consideration for their desires ups your chance to make a good impression and increase sales.

5. Build Relationships!

Nobody—and we mean NOBODY—likes to be pitch-slapped. It’s impersonal and downright annoying. According to Adobe’s Future of Marketing Research Series, a whopping 7 out of 10 customers will make more purchases from a brand they trust. So if you want to increase sales, you need to invest directly into building relationships with your customers and earning their trust. 


This can be accomplished by: 


  • Communicating honestly
  • Providing exceptional customer service
  • Making it right when you mess up
  • Being human and relating naturally (have some fun!)
  • Going above and beyond expectations


You are going to know your customers best, so customize your relationship-building strategies accordingly to focus your efforts and increase sales.

6.  Crown the Customer King—Always.

If the customer ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. While you have the obvious goal to increase sales, that goal needs to be put in its place behind your ultimate goal of caring for and serving your customers


This is a very subtle shift in mindset, but it makes a huge difference. Without this change, your company will lose its heart and humanity, customers will sense the lack of genuine care, and they will go elsewhere. 


In this article on customer-centricity, the idea is phrased simply: 


“Reorient sales—from selling to customers to selling for customers.” 


Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes and think about what you look for in a company and buying experience. Translate your thoughts into practice within your own company, from the way you handle customer complaints to the value you provide in your content. If you operate your everyday business affairs with a clear goal of serving the customer, you’ll increase sales as you set yourself apart from the competition.

7. Create an Exceptional Sales Experience

The holistic buying experience you create for your customers is a huge part of success as you seek to grow and increase sales. Every step in the customer journey is an opportunity to prove to your customers why they should spend their hard-earned money on your products or services. 


Spend some time evaluating your strategies in each step of the sales process, including: 


  • Prospecting
  • Marketing 
  • Qualifying 
  • Nurturing
  • Pitching
  • Closing


Are you creating a cohesive, on-brand, customer-centric experience throughout the entire process? Or is dissonance between the steps throwing a wrench into your efforts to increase sales?

8. Maintain a Consistent Brand Voice

Taking the time to develop a unique brand voice can be a ridiculously helpful strategy for companies looking to increase sales. There are a million companies in your industry that would fall under the “blah” categories of “professional” or “friendly.” While there’s nothing wrong with either descriptor, it just doesn’t grab your attention or pull you in. 


The most successful companies are those that set themselves apart and become instantly recognizable through their use of a strong brand voice (AKA brand personality). If you work with your teams to create a brand personality that shines, you immediately gain a 1-up over your competitors. You establish yourself as THE go-to brand in your industry. 


Creating your particular brand voice will depend on your target audience, the product or service you’re offering, and the overall feeling you want your customers to experience when they think of your company. Once you establish your voice and implement it across all your channels, you’re guaranteed to increase sales as you shine bright like a diamond. (We know you’ll have RiRi’s song stuck in your head all day now. You’re welcome.)

9. Use Visuals and Emotional Connection in Your Content. 

It’s a proven fact that the brain processes visual images 60,000 times faster than text. So when creating content that’s intended to educate or inform as you seek to increase sales, the use of visuals is highly effective. It engages in a way that’s impactful and easily recalled.


Get creative! Put together a video showing some of the “behind the scenes” action that goes into making your product. Craft a graph highlighting the benefits of using your services. Or share a funny meme about your industry on your social media platforms. This serves a two-for-one punch of a memorable visual with a humorous connection—stirring up emotions that build relationships.


Customers are drawn to companies that show they’re made up of (relatively) normal human beings just like them. Sharing common pain points, values, and feelings with your audiences creates a natural bond that encourages engagement, leading to more loyal customers, which leads to—you guessed it—more sales. 

10. Align Your Sales and Marketing Teams. 

The biggest hack to increase sales? Get your sales and marketing teams aligned. And the easiest way to accomplish that is to outsource your sales experience needs to a partner like Squeeze. 


Sales and marketing teams have a history of stumbling over each other and inadvertently sabotaging revenue-generating efforts. Leads fall through the cracks as teams face confusion over which tasks belong to which teams. Both are so overwhelmed with busy work and administrative tasks that neither one can focus on their main tasks, and job satisfaction plummets (along with your sales numbers). 


As the closers, the members of your sales team NEED to be free to do their work, and do it well. They are your money-makers! 


So let your marketers market. Let a skilled team like Squeeze prospect, contact, and qualify. Let your closers close. And watch your company increase sales like never before. 


Are You Ready to Increase Sales?


This is a no-brainer, right? But we understand you might have more questions. You can contact us here to learn more about us, how we can help you increase sales, and generally “Squeeze” more from each and every lead!  


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