Business Growth Strategies: 5 Ways to Help Your Company Skyrocket to Greatness


So you’ve done it. Your company’s off the ground and doing great. But you know it can be even more, and believe it’s the right time to implement a business growth strategy and take your company to the next level.

If you’re like most of us, the thought of taking that next step fills you with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. This could be an incredible moment in your company’s history…or you could fail miserably, crash and burn, and wind up eating store-brand ice cream on your couch while watching re-runs of The Office, wondering how it all went so wrong.

No pressure.

Never fear…Squeeze is here to help guide you through the steps of business growth and set you on a path to success.


Are You Really Ready To Take Your Company To The Next Level?

Let’s be honest…who doesn’t want their company to be bigger, badder, more efficient, and more profitable? We all want to rise above the competition and be wildly successful. 

While we don’t want to burst your bubble, we have to remind you of the importance of taking this next step rationally if you don’t want to wind up on your couch with lame ice cream. When it comes to business growth, timing is everything. 

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you have the time to dedicate to business growth? Or will other aspects of your life (mental health, family, work/life balance) suffer for it? 
  • Do you have the team members or business partners required to get the tasks done?
  • Do you have adequate financial resources to cover your anticipated needs?
  • Are you currently keeping up with orders/clients? Or are you stretched thin and struggling to meet the demand?
  • Are you prepared for the new challenges that will arise from these changes?

You want to dream big but also dream realistically. Deciding to make any major changes in a company dynamic is a serious endeavor and not one to be taken lightly. A strong leap only comes by first having your feet firmly planted on the ground. 


How Are You Wanting to Grow and Expand?

Your business growth strategy will need personal tweaking depending on how you are wanting to grow your business. 

  • Are you wanting to drop a new product line?
  • Are you wanting to expand to new locations?
  • Are you wanting to increase your customer base?
  • Are you wanting to expand your reach across a variety of platforms?
  • Are you wanting to increase revenue? 
  • Are you wanting to recruit more employees?

Often a business growth strategy will have multiple layers to it and may include a combination of goals and objectives. Having a grasp of your general goals will help you as you prepare to move forward with your strategy. 

Establishing Your Business Growth Strategy

1. Create a Plan.

This might seem obvious, but it is without a doubt the first step toward successful business growth. You need to set a clear direction and understand the big picture. 

Establish realistic goals you know you can follow through on. There may be things you want to achieve, but can’t yet due to lack of resources or the necessary team members. Cater to your specific desires and determine each step you need to take to get there. This not only helps you move forward in a positive direction but also gives you and your team members the opportunity to track your progress and performance along the way. 

During your planning process, be sure to:

  • Take time to do industry and market research beforehand. You can learn so much that will help you get a clearer picture and strategize more effectively.
  • Determine your targeted area(s) of growth (remember that list in the previous section of this article?).
  • Evaluate and appropriate any useful tools or programs that will help you throughout the business growth process. 
  • Determine your budget and assess the need for funding or investment before diving in.

2. Automate Where You Can.

There are so many parts of the business process that require a human touch. But some tasks can be taken on with the help of technology to make your business growth plan move more quickly and efficiently.

Both software and hardware can be extremely helpful in saving you time, money, and resources. Do a little Googling and take a peek at the hottest products on the market that fit your needs.

There are tools and tech readily available for a variety of processes such as:

  • Marketing (think automated emails, lead management/generation software, etc)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Accounting
  • Manufacturing
  • Shipping
  • Inventory
  • Sales Management

Wherever you can automate effectively without losing quality, do so! Optimizing your processes means maximizing your time and resources—which you can then invest in other areas of business growth that require dedicated attention. 

3. Choose New Hires to Fill Specific Roles.

They say that “teamwork makes the dream work,” and when it comes to business growth it is especially true. There are certain jobs that should be handled by someone specially trained and suited for the task.

Sure, maybe Craig from IT can bust out a blog or two if you ask nicely and bribe him with an extra bag of crunchy Cheetos from the vending machine. But your efforts to improve your ranking in the SERP or draw customers to your website would be far more effective if undertaken by an actual writer with knowledge of SEO. 

If you’re on the fence as to whether it would be profitable to take on a new employee full-time, give it a test run with freelance or contract workers. If the investment is worth the return, put a ring on it.

4. Outsource!

One of the biggest business growth hacks out there is outsourcing. As we mentioned in the previous point, an expert in a particular field is going to be far more effective and efficient with certain specific tasks. 

Our teams at Squeeze are the perfect example of an outsourced partner (shameless plug). We specialize in the “busy work” that falls in the cracks between marketing and sales—stuff like prospecting, lead nurturing, qualifying, and cold calling, These are essential but time-consuming tasks that put huge burdens on other members of your team who just want to do their own jobs. 

If you choose the right partner, outsourcing can skyrocket your business growth, make your other teams far more efficient, AND allow everyone to spend their time doing the work that requires their unique skill set—the stuff they’re good at and actually enjoy doing. 

If that’s not a win-win, we don’t know what is. 

5. Put Your Business Growth Plan in Motion.

Before you give us that “duh, obviously,” look, hear us out. There is often a lot of excitement and energy at the beginning of any new endeavor, especially one focused on business growth. But this is a marathon, not a sprint, and you have to be mentally prepared for the long game. 

If you’ve taken the time to consider your position beforehand and you have carefully evaluated your plan and the steps it will take to reach your goals…stick to the plan. Don’t use up all your energy right at the start, or get your teams all hyped up only to fall flat when it comes to leading them into execution. Take each step as it comes with deliberate intention and a steady pace. 

Keep the lines of communication open between you and your teams. Track your metrics carefully and pivot or optimize as needed. Make sure you’re meeting your goals on time, or troubleshoot if you’re falling behind. 

Main point: stay the course, and keep moving forward.


Let Squeeze Help You Grow Your Business

Our whole goal at Squeeze is to help you “accelerate sales, grow revenue, and increase profitability.” We get excited when we’re able to boost your business growth and get your goals checked off one by one.

Why choose us over another agency? Well, for starters, we come alongside you as a true business partner, not just another vendor. You get a team dedicated to understanding you and your company inside and out. With 100% US-based, highly trained agents, you know your customers are receiving the highest level of quality care. And our performance-based pricing means no contract entrapment and no risk for you. 

You’re ready to take your company to the next level—and so are we. Drop us a message here today and let’s talk! 

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