So You Wanna Be a Contact Center Representative? Job Description, Required Tasks, and Qualities that Lead to Success


When a child is posed with the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, we usually hear responses such as “A veterinarian!” or “The greatest baseball player of all time!” or “A unicorn!”. 

If the child responds with, “I wanna be a contact center representative!” it would probably be greeted with some hearty laughter from friends and family. 

Let’s face it…it’s unexpected and pretty random that a youngster would even KNOW what a contact center representative is, let alone aspire to be one. And sadly, the position has developed a bit of a bad rap. We’ve all received those annoying, non-stop calls from mortgage companies the moment you start working with a realtor. #JustMakeItSTOP

However, in reality, the work of a contact center representative serves a massive role in the success of any company. So if you were that kid who dreamed of filling that role, ignore the haters. It is a very worthy ambition. Embrace your destiny, young Padawan.  

But perhaps you’re not sure where to start. You’re not entirely certain of all the required tasks and if you will be equipped to perform your sacred communicational duties. 

Never fear…we’re here to be your Obi-Wan Kenobi and guide you on your journey to become a contact center representative master.


Contact Center Representative Job Description

A contact center representative is responsible for overseeing and executing communication between a company and its customers/clients. This is most often accomplished over the phone, but also includes other means of communication such as email, web chat, and even text messaging. 

The main goal of the contact center representative is to create an exceptional customer service experience for every individual they come into contact with. They “represent” the company and strive to make every interaction a positive one.

So What Exactly Does a Contact Center Representative Do?

A contact center representative creates this amazing customer experience through the skilled implementation of a variety of daily tasks. 

  • 1. Takes on inbound and outbound communications. 

This should be fairly obvious (we know you’re smart), but it is the ground floor upon which almost every other task is built. 

Inbound communications are calls, emails, or messages coming IN from a client or customer. This would include questions, complaints, product/service inquiries, etc.

Outbound communications are placed by contact center representatives reaching OUT to clients and customers for marketing and sales purposes. 

  •  2. Professionally cyber-stalks #likeaboss.

The best contact center representatives work diligently to give their clients and customers a positive and personalized experience. The most effective way to accomplish this is to research the heck out of each individual or company.

Social media is a representative’s BFF for all friendly cyber-stalking needs. And no, it’s not considered creepy. (Emphasize FRIENDLY in the prior sentence.) There’s free, public information that is specifically posted to give insight into an individual or company’s culture, values, interests, and personality. It can be used profitably when tailoring interactions and conversations with your customers. 

  • 3. Answers customer questions, educates on products or services, and resolves problems.

It all comes down to communication. Whatever the customer needs, the contact center representative is ready to meet that need by communicating and working with the customer to reach a point of resolution. 

To do this well, the contact center representative has to be well-trained, confident in their skills, and knowledgeable of the products and services being offered. Every customer interaction is different, and the ability to pivot, personalize and customize is key to reaching a successful conclusion. 

When you’re preparing to take on the role of a contact center representative, give yourself plenty of time to become familiar with the ins and outs of the company you are representing, what they are selling or offering, and the most common questions or issues a customer may have. If you are part of a healthy organization, they will take the time to train extensively before you even step on the floor. Your success as a rep directly reflects on the company, so it’s in everyone’s best interest to invest in you! 

  • 4. Works the system.

…The contact center operational system, that is. 

While you hardly need to be a tech expert to succeed as a contact center representative (again, an employer should train you thoroughly), it helps if you know the basics of working on a computer and are comfortable learning how to operate the tools required to accomplish your tasks. 

In a contact center setting, you’ll likely encounter software for data entry and tracking metrics. This is necessary to improve the customer experience, highlight areas for improvement, increase productivity, and store customer information for future use. While these systems may sound intimidating to the less-techy among us, it’s really not that complicated. As with any new skill, there may be a learning curve, but before long you’ll be adding data like it’s second nature.

  • 5. Gathers and distributes information.

A contact center representative is an encyclopedia of information. It’s their job to have the answers at the ready whenever the customer connects. 

What does this mean practically? A contact center representative takes that responsibility seriously and embraces every training and educational opportunity available. Whenever there’s a change in company policy or procedure, they don’t just skim the document (no matter how boring it might be); they take the time to read and thoroughly understand the changes made so they can best serve the company and their clients. 

Staying up-to-date on the current products/services being offered is another important task. Pricing, features, warranties, service charges, plan options…The more you know, the better you’ll be able to help the customer and get the job done well.

A contact center representative also follows up with prospective customers and distributes helpful information such as brochures, handbooks, case studies, blog posts, etc. This extra, in-depth info can help move a lead into a sale, or help a current customer better understand their options.

Qualities of a Great Contact Center Representative

How do you know you have what it takes to be a master contact center representative? Let’s look at some of the skills and qualities you would need to succeed in this position.

Are you:

  • An organized multi-tasker? A contact center representative is often doing many things at once, and keeping track of all the moving parts while accomplishing tasks is necessary for success.

  • A social people-person with an outgoing personality? While you may not be meeting with customers face-to-face, you will be in constant communication and interaction. If you love to chat and help others, this position was made for you!

  • A clear communicator and an active listener? The art of communication involves both talking AND listening, and often the key to solving a customer’s problem comes through carefully hearing what the customer has to say.

  • A dedicated problem solver? While outbound calls may be focused more on marketing and sales, the majority of inbound calls are from customers with questions or issues. If you get excited over solving puzzles and creating solutions, you’ll excel as a contact center representative.

  • A quick thinker who easily adapts to different personalities, problems, and scenarios? A contact center representative has to be quick on their feet and adept at customizing the experience for every individual they come in contact with. Plus, you never know what question or issue might be thrown your way, and if you enjoy the mystery and challenge you’ll find this position especially exciting. 

  • Eager to grow and gain experience in a variety of profitable industries? Many contact centers work with companies in important industries such as healthcare, financial services, and technology. A position as a contact center representative in your field of interest puts you in a great position to gain experience and grow your career.

  • Empathetic and emotionally intelligent? Having the ability to read the customer’s emotions and respond with care and empathy is a superpower that will set you apart as a master contact center representative.


Squeeze is the Answer for All Your Contact Center Needs!

If you’ve read through this post and are interested in pursuing a position as a contact center representative, you’re in luck: Squeeze is hiring! At the time of this blog posting, we have positions available on both our Utah and Idaho teams. Check out our careers page to learn more about our awesome company culture, benefits, and more! 

If you are a company looking to outsource your sales experience needs to the professionals, look no further. Squeeze’s team of highly-trained, qualified contact center representatives are ready to take your customer experience to the next level. Our teams consistently outperform our competitors by ridiculous percentages, and we’ve got the stats to prove it. 

Are you ready to write your biggest success story yet? We’d love to help. Feel free to reach out and request a proposal! 


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